Lethal tempo interaction with navori quickblade. I feel like it gives a nice mix of autoing and spellcasting, and with navori even if you miss your abilities you still get cd refund to keep spellslinging. Lethal tempo interaction with navori quickblade

 I feel like it gives a nice mix of autoing and spellcasting, and with navori even if you miss your abilities you still get cd refund to keep spellslingingLethal tempo interaction with navori quickblade  IE bonus is additive, whereas Navori is multiplicative

38%; 41%; 43%; 43%; 43%; Build ARAM Arena Nexus Blitz Pro Builds Trends Matchups & Counters. 23 the best build for Volibear is Nashor's Tooth, Plated Steelcaps, Riftmaker, Hullbreaker, and Spirit Visage. 5% of ADC's running PTA, the recommender still has PTA as the top rune page for Ashe ADC, and as a result, defaults to PTA if you forgot to select your runes. Because there are much better alternative. 5%). 5 seconds, rageblade passive wouldve probably reduced it more in this situation, but then again you do less damage with Q if you buy rageblade. There are not enough points in luck to lean into VATS critical damage. " You've had your fun, fellow ADC players. 4),. You'd still build IE later on for the record, even directly after it if you don't need LDR. Better to have more survivability than attack speed on samira. Swap to navori instead when playing essence. Navori is a more fun build since you get to jump around more and synergizes well with lethal temps incentive to keep autoing for extended periods. cinghialotto03 • 9 mo. Kai'sa's W deals more damage to targets with a lot of passive stacks. If they’re squishy take Lethal tempo and Hailblade blue smite start. 105 bonus AD, 70% crit chance, 50 ability haste, spell blade and the quickblade effect for 7400g isn't a bad deal. On a champion like Shen who heavily relies on. You would need to buy the items 3rd and 4th. I think IE will be a bit better generally. 90s cooldown, it will save you from a gank once. E with just Navori Quickblades: 67 DMG. Mythic Item is either Shieldbow or Divine. Your goal is to hit as much attack speed as possible. Briar Jungle has a 52. im not sure i think it does. Navori Quickblade. So it's 3400+600 for your 2nd item spike. A good full build for me would be any of the crit mythics, navori, ie, lord Dominik's regards and collector (unless I need something else) (and boots). So it's 3400+600 for your 2nd item spike. AndreiRiboli •. User account menu. 27 votes, 15 comments. Kai'sa's E is amazing for kiting and. And MF is more of a caster than an auto attacker, so the 35% bonus damage on autos (for IE) is less important than the CD and 20% boost on E and. With lethal tempo and the ult passive attack speed, I don’t think Sivir needs a zeal item, while the ult cd reduction on. CC and Exhaust are Tristana 's worst enemy, since her damage post Explosive Charge isn't very high (though Lethal Tempo can mitigate this to an extent). Shaco jg 13 crit high dmg and CDR. Full cds blown auto spam, no navori interaction, even as my e and w come up. Cloak of Agility. If. 6 will bring system nerfs, namely nerfs to dragons, Bloodthirster, Navori Quickblades, Lethal Tempo, and Legend: Bloodline. Like lethal tempo and hail of blades started to play pattycake. 65 Attack Damage. Sword (60 AD, 20% crit chance), use Q and compare the damages. Run in with blue smite, wait a little bit for Lethal Tempo to rev up, and unleash havoc on their squishies. 5% of ADC's running PTA, the recommender still has PTA as the top rune page for Ashe ADC, and as a result, defaults to PTA if you forgot to select your runes. the only thing that seems to reduce their CDs is my auto attacks. Navori quickblade second item is best choice for Tristana. 1,776 Matches. You get Lethal Tempo, attack speed runes, manaflowband (other runes are up. Otherwise the spellblade passive of ER is just not activated enough due to her relatively long CDs. AS is a bit different for me as a Jhin main, but you still want some for that move speed. The best item in here is Navori Quickblade, also get Phantom Dancer. Don’t buy that item. U. Personally I dont appreciate Quickblades that much on TF, I feel that other items do a better job as a cherry on top of his current crit build, such as Phantom Dancer. Here are the results. Runes: Lethal Tempo // Sorcery. Triumph. The moment you get Navori you will start to just 3 shot Adcs. Skip to document Keywords— Lethal Tempo, Navori Quickblades, Lethal Shenpo, Attack Speed C (t) = C 0 γ − t if t ≤ C 0 γ and C (t) = 0 Otherwise (2) With the inclusion of. Rushing Kraken Slayer as his first item, caPs has been playing AD Ahri in bot lane and mid lane. 3400 Gold. 30. 64. Navori Quickblades on Senna. This is the biggest issue because PD is seen in almost every AD Kaisa build. Ability haste and Navori Quickblade, Attack speed and Rageblade, And killing enemies faster for resets. the activity is quiet. ago. I've been going quickblade on trist most of the games now. Cut Down. Wit's End Spirit Visage Blade of the Ruined King Phantom Dancer Mortal Reminder Chempunk Chainsword Galeforce Infinity Edge Navori Quickblades. First back - Attack speed rush. With lethal tempo and the ult passive attack speed, I don’t think Sivir needs a zeal item, while the ult cd reduction on aa combined with navori can really keep ricochet constantly on Navori blade along lethal tempo. 5 and you gain 50 (Melee) or 75 (Ranged. GPM stats are around 350 gold/min. Additionally, nerfing Bloodthirster, Navorii Quickblades, and the runes of Lethal Tempo. 97 votes, 17 comments. 4 AD or 9 AP) +15-140 HP (lvls 1-18). So if you're using Navori, you will be in a playstyle between Crit/On-Hit and Lethality. Q is also an auto attack reset which the clone will mimic for another chance to crit! E increases attack speed of Wukong and clone to have an incredible burst when casted together. 5 ad from berserkers and 29ad from lethal tempo at full stacks. But some people do like PTA or Lethal tempo, try them out and see what you prefer! Lethal tempo gives you a lot more attack speed but less overall damage!. Sivir Counters. Navori Quickblades is the worst crit item you can get on Yasuo. Battle Fury Tryndamere's Passive. Hats off to. UNIQUE Passive: Your ability damage and proc damage dealt by abilities is increased by 0−20%. Assuming you do the same amount of damage on your abilities vs autos, it's the same effective increase on both items. Unfortunately very rarely you are able to actually built this thing. Once the bomb goes off at max stacks you can reset your jump. Despite only 1. fandom. Navori Quickblades' base stats are 119. 5. Archived post. 3. Platinum+. Want to share your Phel… Lethal Tempo Interaction With. More about this in the FAQ. Navori is a more fun build since you get to jump around more and synergizes well with lethal temps incentive to keep autoing for extended periods. It could also have a home on afew champs like kog'maw and aphelios, but certain interactions, such as rageblade and aphelios's kit straight up not working* with the item, prevent the item from being a reasonable option on either champ. And I always like me a couple games of Full AP Kench as well and one-shot an ADC back into a season where they're useful. Look for Navori Quickblade58. share. Trynda>>>>>Yone>>Yi (which will probably not build it if Rageblade loses the 0 crit interaction)>>>>Yasuo (coz he already has extra low CDs and the windwall is much better for high elo than anything)>>>>the rest of the world. 1000. Secondary can be whatever but I'm really enjoying Inspiration tree with Magical Footwear and Approach Velocity. Stormrazor. Gets huge value from it, constant AA resets and high Q and W cooldowns make the passive super efficient. Attacks reduce this ability's cooldown by 0. -Shojin's passive that adds AH only in your basic abilities STILL NERFS ALPHA cd restore in autos. refresh cd, wait for lethal and er cd before every try. But the item only really works with 55%/60% crit. Turns out, earlier access to incredibly strong items is a simple recipe for "overpowered role. 8K views 11 months ago. If you go lethal tempo with presence of mind and manaflow, you can most likely skip ER for a navori. Just throw your Q, W away until you have max feathers and pull them back. I've recently been playing BLM at higher levels and managing the time you spend in Astral Fire or Ice, ontop of making sure you get the resources to free cast your big fire spells, and leylines, and baiting aoe or avoiding it to maintain uptime in leylines, etc. PTA doesn't synergize well considering that you'll proc your passive before proccing PTA. Currently, only 6 champions have data for the item on League of Items, and the only champion who purchases it regularly is Tryndamere. Hello why not use navori to have perma q and e. Navori Quickblades' mythic passive can grant up to 25 attack damage with 5 other Legendary items. Guinsoo's Rageblade's mythic passive can grant up to 25% armor penetration and 30% magic penetration with 5 other Legendary items. 3000 (800) Caulfield's Warhammer. AP KOG'MAW. Navori gives reduced ult cooldown from the stats side (30 ability haste), as well as extra hawkshots. 49%; 49%; 49%; 49%; 50%; Build ARAM Arena Nexus Blitz Pro Builds Trends Matchups & Counters. Presence of Mind. The Tristana build for ADC is Navori Quickblades and Lethal Tempo. Fleet Footwork is like the old warlords bloodlust and gives sustain and movement speed after generating 100 stacks. OKAY SO I've been theory crafting a hybrid navori build that goes like: lethal tempo runes, nashors into runnans, riftmaker, navori, and optional last item. I think I'll probably go Hail of Blade crit build if they have a healing bot lane or have an adc that will commonly go shieldbow (like. Full build Example. As second item you build as boots. The Kog'Maw build for ADC is Guinsoo's Rageblade and Lethal Tempo. The cost difference isn’t much Manamune + Triforce is 6,233 gold and ER + Navori is 6,200. so many games are decided before you hit 18 probably like 80% of them and since adcs are already super lategame this isnt gonna work. I actually did a lot of practice tool testing on this, wayyyy back when the item rework first happened. Navori quickblade. Or. The 1 second cooldown in between placing barrels does get affected. Essence Reaver. Starters. I'm level 25 with all legendary except 1 item and I'm practically unkillable. krus1x. Immortal Shieldbow - for a safer early. We're adjusting it to be weaker early on and letting it scale instead. U. It doesn't provide you attack speed either and it takes the place of, by far the best Yasuo item, Solari Chargeblade. For example, a Navori Quickblade generally isn’t a priority if you can block it in a future turn, unlike a Teemo. Galeforce gives you mobility, Navori Quickblades is her core item for damage, Essence Reaver gives you an extra “oomph” of damage and mana sustain for ability spamming, the last two are situational. Testing to see if buying Guinsoo's Rageblade makes Passive on Navori Quickblade Useless. +60 Attack Damage. If not: Bloodthirster > Solari Chargeblade . Draven Ezreal wins the game by getting ahead on tempo with cost-efficient removal, Draven, Arachnoid Sentry, and Tri-beam Improbulator, followed up with a leveled Ezreal or. Previously used for more laning strength, this keystone has fallen off after Lethal Tempo's changes. Lethal Tempo Interaction With. TOTAL COST : 3400 gold BUILD PATH : Caulfield's Warhammer + Pickaxe + Cloak of Agility +. Champions who bought Navori Quickblades had average win rates in the game (52. Kraken -> BF sword for q evolve -> Stormrazor -> Navori/Phantom Dancer -> the other -> mercurial/mortal/defensive Threading in beserkers when you can Now honestly idk if navori needs 60 or 80% crit to become worth, but for me, most games finish before 4th item, so have been building navori 3rd to test it more. ReplyAbility Haste + Navori Quickblade make Tryndamere a happy boy Trynd spin much. Since last season Riot has been putting a lot of effort into. Just make sure to go Navori Quickblades as well for that infinity stun. It now gives damage bonus to your abilities based on your crit rate. That’s where Navori Quickblades spring into action: every critical attack reduces remaining cooldown time with 20%. It's an ok item, but I personally like Krakenslayer more. Since the durability update everyone has 100 armour+ 80 Mr (even without defensive items). Build ARAM Arena Nexus Blitz Pro Builds Trends Matchups & Counters. If you want cdr just get the cheaper black cleaver. My rune page is the standard Lethal Tempo-Approach Velocity build. It doesn't provide you attack speed either and it takes the place of, by far the best Yasuo item,. In the upcoming mid-season update, Riot will rework Navori Quickblades into a mythic item. Without a tanky team, you can't really stack lethal tempo that well. 5% WR. SN-Huanfeng and LNG-Light both going for Lethal Tempo Kraken Slayer Varus. utility jax help team (rune 6) Pauldrons of Whiterock Locket of the Iron Solari Randuin's Omen Iceborn Gauntlet Mikael's Blessing Mobility Boots. However, Navori tends to be the most popular/most successful mythic. Press J to jump to the feed. Meaning to make use of Navori and IE. Kraken / Shieldbow is a dps build that is good against tanks. The synergy it has with runnan's makes it extra rewarding ad I said before you can go damage (kraken. Q is also an auto attack reset which the clone will mimic for another chance to crit! E increases attack speed of Wukong and clone to have an incredible burst when casted together. Will not be able to do anything anymore. Reviving Ekko 3 times in the same fight is literally the point of the build. 25 / 1. Add a Comment. Talents: Conditioned Runner, Ghost, Overflowing Dam, Spine Cutter (take that for chaser to grant free hit), Exoskeleton, To The Finish, Warrior's Respite, Thresher Claws, Bloodiron Spirit, Speed Demon, Scuba Drowner, Nullifying Clarity, Underdog, Giantslayer. 61 seconds to reach max poison stacks and hit every projectile with two 6links, cluster jewels, fairly expensive uniques. It gives you attack speed, which is necessary in order to be doing damage, and it is great for fighting during early game. patch 13. Crit animation threw me off a bit. 2. Navori Quickblades. 60 Attack Damage 20 Crit Chance 20 Ability Haste Transcendence – Your attacks reduce your non-ult cooldowns by 12% of their remaining cooldown. Lethal Tempo's power is skewed a little too much toward early game right now, making it especially cheese for melee champions. I also think Eclipse is just dead, feels so fucking awful to use with the constant nerfs and with everyone having more hp/tanks being better. Aurelion Sol’s Comprehensive Gameplay Update is finally on the live servers and it’s already performing well above expectations. And either coup de gra or not cut down, again depending on either tank or spank trundle. There are probably much more, others I excluded because they aren't AD, and some I included that wouldn't build the item anyway. When you reach 100% which is mad, you will be like a machine gun. We’re also excited to incorporate the sheen pattern into a Marksmen item for the skill expression and fun factor alone. 0 AS, if you have more, your Q CD will be lower and so the Navori proc is even less significant. If they start running away, great! now they won't be able to because you will use your W. 2crit rate. The item could be removed from the game and Trynd would hardly notice. So realistically you’re nerfing his ult duration by 2-3 seconds. For example, if Master Yi has 1. save. 23. The reworked Navori Quickblade, although weaker than the previous one in hindsight, seems strong when paired up with Infinity Edge as both can synergize with crits very well. 5 into ad, at level 18 Lethal tempo gives you more than 100 AD26K subscribers in the ApheliosMains community. I've personally been running Shieldbow > Navori Quickblades > IE and it feels good. IE is stuck at 95% gold efficiency, Hydra starts at 98 and goes to 125% when fully stacked and you only need 2 stacks to go >100% gold efficiency. According to the previous post, your team won but you didn't. You do not want to be in range of 3 enemy champions to make use of your item. The formula of attack speed is: Navori Quickblades Jax. Navori is an absolute powerspike on xayah even as a third or fourth, Even tho its expensive it massively improves her overall dps and you can spam feathers and E much more, Even a life saver when jumped on while E is on cooldown. With Senna, this means infinitely scaling AH. Fast Bonk. One of Navori’s new passives: “Unique – Impermanence: Your ability damage is increased by 0% − 20% (based on critical strike chance). you get berserkers for extra ad just like lethal tempo. yes it does I've tried in in practice and you can feel a difference in the speed when using it. 93% Pickrate Item pickrate is calculated in the same way as champion pickrate, so the percentage that an item will be in a game. (Any other crit item would be fine, depending on situation of enemy team comp)Mythic Navori Quickblades - Recipe Statikk Shiv is back - Recipe Legendary Immortal Shieldbow - Recipe Galeforce - Recipe. 1. The passive functions with Hawkshot, allowing you to scout more often by reducing the remaining cooldown per proc. You'll want to run Lethal Tempo. ago. PD passive attack speed bonus). Patch 13. Not to forget also the sweet 60 AD. Aurelion Sol Mains. Runaan's will make teamfights go so fast it isn't even funny. Triumph. Even without exploding, you can easily do prolonged duels due to. ad tf works great in low elo, and there's dudes playing ad tf in master, grandmaster, and challenger. 5 minutes later than ER 2nd, or PD 2nd. Author: Lê Tùng Dương-74bleed ABSTRACT Lethal Tempo has been one of the most fun runes to play on a champion like Shen at the time Sunfire was a mythic in league. This seems like a massive oversight and is extremely punishing if you space out during champ select. This allows corki to Q and E more often during fights. Recognizing that she’s “been a little too strong since”, Riot Games decided to nerf her in patch 12. But navori really only benefits your W overall since E is a reset ability and your R wouldn't be affected by it either way. Best 10 League champions in Patch 13. For spamming abilities, Navori Quickblades is better in my opinion than Black Cleaver because it gives an extra 5 ability haste and gives extra crit and gives extra hawkshots--however, both items are imo better later into the poke build due to the need for sustain in both mana (thus, Essence Reaver) and health (thus, Ravenous. So it only reduces by 20% of 0. And generally speaking other items are going to be more useful, like a mortal/chainsword for heal cut, or LDR for tanks, or IE if that wasn’t your 3rd item, or even. B) its stats are weaker as a standalone item, as it gives 5 less AD and exchanges 200 HP (a consistently strong stat) for 20% crit chance (a scaling stat that relies on acumulating. So 55% navori is 3. Rule 2. Given that the first three are currently. 5 minutes later than ER 2nd, or PD 2nd. ago. HoB has an obvious game plan to play around, giving powerful trades and all in. IE increases your crits by 20% meaning your auto damage increases by 1. I think the downside is expensive AF, but the scaling is there. The Sivir build for ADC is Navori Quickblades and Lethal Tempo. Based on our analysis of 15 039 matches in patch 13. You get Lethal Tempo, attack speed runes, manaflowband (other runes are up. Most picked runes for Volibear Top are Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Last Stand for. Among the buffs, instead, Riot is planning to give some love to Vayne, Galio, Talon, and Ashe (towards her ADC version). For example, Dianna benefits greatly from it because she can proc her passive much quicker, synergising with the rune for a. When testing the items i found out that Gangplanks barrels dont benefit from the cooldown decrease. Wrath's on-hit damage does not apply to structures. The Precision rune tree is the primary rune in this setup, with Inspiration as the secondary. IE: 175% + 35% = 210% Navori: 175% * 120% = 210%. It really shines after your lvl 6 though! Navori quickblades (updated) Ability Haste: 30 ⇒ 20. zeri converts 50% of excess attackspeed into ad. For those unaware: Navori Quickblade 3400 Gold +60 Attack Damage +20% Critical Strike Chance +30 Ability Haste Nimble Strikes: Your critical strikes with Attacks reduce your non-Ultimate ability cooldowns by 20% of their remaining cooldown. 13: essence nerf but i prefer triforce ezreal anyway. Honestly I think it’s a better fit than PD on sivir as well. IE bonus is additive, whereas Navori is multiplicative. I just wanna spam E with Navori Quickblade, i dont even care about the extra damage. Despite only 1. Posted by 11 months ago. 1b" before this statement, not just "IE/BT/Navori", let alone specifying those three between "ADC op" and "getting nerfed". It's easier to build on poke-Ashe than dps-Ashe, but it's an item that, for its cost, is hard to fit in early reliably well, yet later on is less valuable. Luden's Tempest Zhonya's Hourglass Seraph's Embrace Mejai's. Navori Quickblades allows crit-heavy builds to scale their ability-casting as well. Botrk>Kraken Slayer>Navori>Shieldbow> I recommend Death Dance. It does not work. -it is way, way more comfortable to play than Armageddon brand due to not having a substantial gap between cast and delivery of damage payloadKai'sa's W is amazing for spotting out enemies like checking if they're doing dragon, checking if enemy blue is up to predict jungle pathing and more. Hokay, I'm back. Is it. Pretty Standard Rune page! Nilah Runes For keystones, Nilah wants Conqueror or Lethal Tempo for sure. Build: Core - Navori Quickblade > Vamp Boots> Vamp Sceptor . Testing to see if buying Guinsoo's Rageblade makes Passive on Navori Quickblade Useless. 0% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked S tier. Because Zeri's Q allows her to kite easier than other ADC's she's able to easily abuse her range advantage. Still running lethal tempo, I found rushing Navori Quickblade for second item (after Immortal Shieldbow) extremely effiecnt, allowing me to effectively stick to enemies and rush them down with Kled’s W autos, which in turn could refresh his abilities. NEW Unique Passive - Transcendance: If you have at least 60% Critical Strike Chance, your Attacks reduce your non-Ultimate Ability cooldowns by 15% of their remaining cooldown. Every 20 stacks of Mist grant 15 Attack Range and 15% Critical. Corki doesnt have any innate synergy with AH like lucian or tryndamere. It gets especially lethal if you have Luden’s Tempest on Miss Fortune, as the item transfers to the copy, giving you 2 skills that each deal 3 damage. on level) to directly tied with Navori-E cooldown. Lethal Tempo is the best rune for Zeri. Kraken Slayer Guinsoo's Rageblade Phantom Dancer The Collector Navori Quickblades Berserker's Greaves. * Play video before player buy first item (If player is jungle the video playback speed is 2x)* Play highlight video when a KDA event occursXayah vs Kai'SaXa. 2,071 Matches. Trynda>>>>>Yone>>Yi (which will probably not build it if. If u wana save ur teammate use boxes on his way or use ult and run away with mate. Attacks reduce this ability's cooldown by 0. Barrels are almost everything when you have 3-4 items. 1. and you will have bonus damage scaling with your crit chance on all abilities- R and W for sure, but. com Given the update to Guinsoo's Rageblade during patch 10. 5 / 0. If your abilities do more damage and your Q is 2 second cd then you should be doing a ton of. Gain [60% - 90%] (Melee) or [30% - 54%] (Ranged) Attack Speed for 6 seconds when you attack an enemy champion. Talk to me - best ADCs to build Navori on! (If anyone knows of a cool Spear of Shojin build for an adc, it works as well) Kai'sa -> Navori most of the times is worse than IE (still worth trying tho) Zeri -> none plays 40%winrate champ but after changes we could have another Navori user. full crit builds: 3400+2800+3400+1100=10700g. Sorcery. 30% attack speed that you have to ramp up with 6 attacks is practically nothing, and you don't even get the range. Not going Manamune feels possible thanks to base Mana buffs, new PoM and biscuits. My favorite runes for this set up are Lethal Tempo with Triumph and Legend: Alacrity. It does reset 20% of Q's cooldown because of the passive so it let's you pass the 1. I've been going quickblade on trist most of the games now. I like having perma W tho, and also at 2 items i deal more damage if i dont crit. the only thing that seems to reduce their CDs is my auto attacks. Hi all. Patch History. " You've had your fun, fellow ADC players. Renekton is a great duelist, but he lacks team fighting power. Popping your passive with your W all,ows for great burst, surprising your enemy. +124% Attack speed. In May 2021, Nemesis had a 67% win rate on this champion in the mid lane, his highest at. This effect stacks up to 6 times. Navori feels nice at 100 crit and I tried bloodthirster, and replacing it with Navori increases dps by 300 and allows you to dash more often, it only counts the first projectile though. The CD reduction on Q would give her a lot of extra healing and damage in teamfights. Lethal Tempo on the AS-Onehit-builds. And if your build has some AS items, Navori can shine better. User account menu. 35% WR. She has no cooldowns + navori doesnt work on ult + expensive. q cd is low anyway, w cd is okay, and e cd starts. Navori's 20% dmg is not noticeable, at few items guinsoo is way better it is the best, because attack speed, onhit stacking, 3 aa with guinsoo is way faster and it stacks 4 spear and 4x9% hp not only 3x9%. you could go mortal reminder and the antiheal would still help if you wanted a zeal build path. Shield Bow is there as a Safety net and additional Lifesteal and Crit. Pag. Quickblades Attack Speed Quinn. Q: 20-16s W: 22-14s E: 16-14s R: 120-100s . Sell: 2380. E with Navori Quickblades buffed by 5x cloaks of agility: 77 DMG. Lethal tempo + New rune with armor pen. ago. The following effects trigger when a champion completes their basic attack's windup. Vote Vote Main. Gatling Gun Lowers your opponent's defenses activates Lethal Tempo. for beginners (quickblade still necessary sometimes) Berserker's Greaves Phantom Dancer Immortal Shieldbow Navori Quickblades Titanic Hydra Gargoyle Stoneplate. A few items in League of Legends have received adjustments in Patch 13. but less people are aware that the positive side of this bugged interaction is that Nocturne's. I like to go Galeforce, BGreaves, Navori, IE, then itemize from there, usually between Dom's, mortal, and then ER. The Fleet Footwork rune setup is the best choice for Senna support in League of Legends season 13. Kepytop • 334,469. . 4 AS ratio buffs (from 0. Like lethal tempo and hail of blades started to play pattycake. R. One thing people either forget or don't realize about Navori is that it now gives a crit scaling to your abilities. Let's look at an ENGAGE and count strikes: E [ (+50% AS (1), AA (2), W+Q (6, 2 q's and 2 AA's because. This is r/ApheliosMains— a sacred temple, home to all warriors of the faith. But higher aoe dps at the same time, don't have exact numbers but got around 3k dps on single and around 2k on rest on. 2,324 Matches. Spear of Shojin has AD scaling AH in one of its passives. Lethal Tempo should enable you to carry whilst Conqueror is primarily used if you need to get upfront and personal with low range ADCs or Ezreal that easily. PTA needs 3 autos obviously) Lethal on AP is the replacement for PTA, but again, FF is a 'must' or you'll lose many matchups.